Tree of Life Spiritual Guidance | Astrology Tarot

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Reflections on the Six of Cups

The Six of Cups (depicted here by @lonesomeworldtarot) represents the warm beautiful feeling of recognition. The feeling of knowing someone or something from our childhoods or even our past lives. It represents nostalgia in all its bittersweetness. The Six of Cups also represents children and childhood in its most innocent manifestation. Soft edges. The soft gaze from a soulmate. The softness of our hearts. No matter the pain and struggles we weather, this feeling of being seen and embraced, this purity, is a place we can return to when we are ready. Our hearts can be a home and a place we spend time. Who are your soulmates? How can we be a soulmate to ourselves? How can we make room for the soulmates we are yet to meet again? Can we find rest inside our own hearts? Can we embrace our inner children with unconditional love?

Looking at this card brought up for me, personally, the abortion that I had many years ago now. Of course this political moment is operating all around us. I miss that soul I carried for a short time, and wonder if maybe we will meet again. For those who have ever had an abortion or may have one in the future (safely and legally I pray), as I have, I want to share that I feel sweet, soft, nostalgic love for that soul that I couldn’t yet care for. I feel softness in my heart for the soul I spent such a short time with. Never let anyone tell you that you were not a mother for that time, that you are somehow callous or cruel. The decision to have an abortion is deeply personal, spiritual, medical, and human. You are always loved by your Higher Power who witnesses your grief and pain, and who witnesses the love in your heart. No one can take away your love for that soul that you said goodbye to. Abortion can be an act of love, the love a mother who recognizes and accepts that she is not able to take on the material, emotional, and spiritual responsibilities of caring for a new life. A mother who for medical reasons or risks cannot carry this new soul to term. No one can take away the softness and the home in your heart. You are loved and you have loved.